Carpe Diem Education Ltd was inspired by the life experiences and journeys of its Directors.
Raised in a working-class family in Tottenham with four other siblings, Lloyd Opara, Carpe Diem's Director of Education and Enrichment, went to school in London in the 90’s knowing all too well the struggles faced by many inner-city families and young people which causes barriers to education, wellbeing and social mobility.
He worked his way from retiring early from professional football due to injury with one one GCSE in PE, to his current position as the Vice Principal of one of the largest secondary schools in Derby. His role includes implementing improvement plans for schools nationally.
Despite of the challenges and hurdles encountered along the way, Lloyd had a new ambition to teach children. Whilst working in schools in London, he obtained his BSc Degree in Sports Development and Coaching Sciences and Masters’ Degree in Education along with other nationally recognised teaching qualifications including; QTS, NPQH, NPQSL & SENCO Award.
As Carpe Diem's director of Education and Enrichment, Lloyd has a lot to offer to the Centre, our students and staff. His professional expertise and personal journey is truly inspirational and epitomises what Carpe Diem Education stands for.
Lloyd is funny and witty but is also principled and focused. He upholds traditional values of respect, commitment and achievement , which is share by all the teachers and staff here at Carpe Diem Education.
In 2018, BBC Sports produced a documentary on Lloyds journey, called 'I had to Rebuild Myself', click below to watch it.